Embracing Sustainability: Select First Signs the Anti-Greenwash Charter

Embracing Sustainability: Select First Signs the Anti-Greenwash Charter.

Date: 20th Nov 2023
Read time: 3 mins
Author: Charlie Martin

In an industry where sustainability has transitioned from a marginal to a central issue, Select First, under the guidance of Creative Director Tom Bourne, has taken a significant leap. This leap is their commitment to the Anti-Greenwash Charter, reflecting a deep-seated belief in authentic sustainability. Tom reflects on this evolution: “Probably less than 10 years ago, sustainability wasn’t really on the agenda for many brands, but over the last five or so years, it has become one of the biggest challenges they face.”

The Drive Towards Authenticity
The decision to join the Anti-Greenwash Charter stemmed from a critical observation of the industry’s tendencies towards superficial green claims. Tom notes the common industry practice:

“Manufacturers know they must talk about sustainability and green issues, so many seem to be looking for a ‘hook’ that makes them look good, at the compromise of honesty and transparency.”

Defining Genuine Sustainability
For Select First, the commitment to the Charter is more than a formality. It’s about setting a precedent in the industry. “Talking about sustainability is all about being honest,” says Tom, emphasising the need for clear, realistic sustainability targets and transparent communication.

Internal Transformation and Client Engagement
The Charter has not only reshaped Select First’s internal policies but also their approach to client engagement. Tom explains,

“Internally, as we’re a tight-knit agency, it has helped to formalise our approach and put everyone on the same hymn sheet.”

This internal cohesion is crucial in influencing clients and fostering broader industry change.

Educating for Integrity
A key aspect of Select First’s strategy is educating their workforce against greenwashing and in favour of genuine sustainability practices. Tom articulates this shared company sentiment: “We’re all more than aware and equally frustrated by its existence.”

Navigating Market Challenges
Maintaining transparent environmental claims in a competitive landscape is challenging, admits Tom. However, the Charter represents a commitment to overcome these hurdles. “It’s difficult and sometimes you feel compromised,” he concedes, but stresses the importance of honest communication.

Conveying a Message of Authenticity
By endorsing the Charter, Select First aims to showcase the importance of authenticity in sustainability to the industry and its clients. Tom hopes this move will inspire others to embrace genuine environmental practices and transparency. He states,

“I hope it sends a message that we’re serious about being authentic.”

A Standard for the Future
Select First’s adoption of the Anti-Greenwash Charter marks a significant step in their journey towards genuine sustainability and transparent communication. Tom’s insights underscore the importance of this commitment, setting a benchmark for not just Select First but the broader industry. This move is a clarion call for others to prioritise authenticity and transparency in their sustainability efforts.

If you think the Anti-Greenwash Charter embodies the values of your organisation, find out more here.