How it Works

Becoming and maintaining certification as a signatory of The Anti-Greenwash Charter is a four-step process designed to uphold responsible marketing and communications practices.


Submit Your Application

Begin by submitting an application and completing a brief questionnaire. This initial assessment provides insight into your current marketing and communication practices, especially regarding green claims.

Our team will review your application, focusing on your organisation’s history with regulatory bodies to ensure there have been no upheld cases of misinformation or misleading claims. Only organisations with a strong commitment to truthful communication will proceed to the next stage.


Develop a Green Claims Policy

Upon approval, you’ll develop a Green Claims Policy (GCP) with our guidance. This policy is central to your certification and covers:

  • Governance: Establishing oversight for accuracy and transparency.
  • Defined Terms: Using clear, standardised language to avoid ambiguity.
  • Substantiated Claims: Backing all claims with credible evidence to prevent greenwashing.

Once finalised and published, your status as a certified signatory is confirmed, and you may display The Anti-Greenwash Charter logo on your materials.


Enable Ongoing Reviews

To maintain your certified status, we conduct periodic reviews of your marketing and communication campaigns to ensure continuous compliance with your Green Claims Policy.

We will request evidence from recent campaigns and compile a Campaign Review report. If your campaign is compliant, this reinforces your credibility as a responsible communicator. If non-compliance is identified, the report will detail these issues along with recommendations for corrective action.

If a campaign is found non-compliant, it is crucial to address the concerns promptly. Failure to resolve significant issues could put your certification at risk, as we reserve the right to suspend or revoke your status. Importantly, two consecutive Campaign Reviews deemed to be non-compliant will lead to the revocation of your signatory status.

Additionally, if a concern is raised about a campaign outside of an official Campaign Review and, after investigation, the concern is upheld, we reserve the right to revoke your signatory status as well. This ensures that all campaigns, whether formally reviewed or flagged through other channels, meet the highest standards of responsible communication.


Promote Your Compliance

Successful compliance will earn you a promotional certificate to highlight your continued commitment to responsible marketing and communications. Your Campaign Reports will be appended to your GCP, serving as proof of your transparent approach.

We will remind you to review and update your GCP annually or when significant legislative changes occur.